[Baypiggies] [OT] Launch Mapatree.org

Venkatraman S venkat83 at gmail.com
Mon May 3 09:39:34 CEST 2010


It gives me immense pleasure in launching Mapatree.org
This is an initiative that I have been planning for quite sometime and
finally got some time to implement and also launch it :)

Please check and contribute : http://www.mapatree.org/

The site is still under development(beta) and the UI is something that needs
to be slicked up. Do report if you find any bugs or would like some
It would be great if you can also test the site from you mobile phones and
let me know your feedback.

Built using Django and Javascript and hosted on Google App Engine.

Check,Promote and Contribute. You can also follow Mapatree on Twitter :

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