[Baypiggies] Unlinking symlinks

Brian Harring ferringb at gmail.com
Sat May 1 00:28:58 CEST 2010

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 03:07:12PM -0700, Andrew Akira Toulouse wrote:
>    I did one additional test on top of this - if you take the same
>    directions, but
>    replace os.unlink("blahlink") with os.unlink("blahlink/"), it will
>    dereference the symlink and unlink 'blah' -- trailing slashes do in
>    fact dereference symlinks, even if they are files.

Either your test, FS, or OS is screwed up then.  '/' doesn't mean 
'derefence it'- not in any interpretation of posix rules I've ever 

>    Further, if you put
>    some text in 'blah' and type 'cat blahlink/' it acts identically to
>    'cat blah'.


unalias rm ln cat &> /dev/null
echo "monkeys" > rule
ln -s rule fails
cat fails
cat rule
cat fails/
rm fails/  # boom,
python -c 'import os;os.unlink("fails/")' # boom..
rm fails


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