[Baypiggies] Baypiggies web site

Max Slimmer max at theslimmers.net
Mon Mar 1 18:46:08 CET 2010

I've been working with web2py recently, if we wanted the option of running
under GAE, it is a one liner.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 6:41 PM, William Deegan <bdbaddog at gmail.com> wrote:

> Donna,
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Donna Snow <donnamsnow at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is a decent DjangoCMS http://www.django-cms.org/ that could be used
>> instead. Although I've used Plone for a long, long time I'm leaning toward
>> only using it for larger installs (intranets, large application builds that
>> require heavy resources anyway) I'm finding it's overkill for most projects
>> but works really well for larger installations (We build an app for CalTrans
>> on it) So might be time to go Django and put the Plone site to rest. I don't
>> have the time to maintain the Plone site (even in 3+ mode) I think our
>> Pythonista's would be more comfortable with a python based site with a
>> relational database (rather than object oriented) though Tony will have to
>> move his book reviews..but we can export his reviews into xml format - does
>> anyone know if we can import into Django once we've exported as xml?
> I've actually been adding the book reviews as well.
> I've written some logic to export the content as xml as well.
> I think it wouldn't be to hard to hack up a converter to insert it into a
> DB.
> I'd really like to write something for GAE and use that.
> -Bill
>> Donna M Snow, Principal
>> C Squared Enterprises
>> illuminating your path to Open Source
>> (websites are being rebuilt)
>> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 6:11 PM, William Deegan <bdbaddog at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I've been maintaining the Baypiggies website for a while.
>>> Currently it's running Plone.
>>> Of late it's been throwing some error messages which are beyond my Plone
>>> knowledge level to resolve.
>>> If there are any Baypiggies members who are very familiar with Plone
>>> please send me a message off list to (bdbaddog at gmail.com)
>>> Or if anyone could suggest another (preferably  written in python) CMS to
>>> use?
>>> For those who don't know, the website has a the following content:
>>>    1. Job listings <http://baypiggies.net/index_html/job-listings>
>>>    2. Book Reviews<http://baypiggies.net/index_html/user-group-association-program/BookReviews>
>>>    3. RSS Feed for baypiggies events<http://www.baypiggies.net/index_html/events/RSS>
>>>    4. Just Added: Slides from Baypiggies Presentations
>>>    <http://baypiggies.net/index_html/eventfolder/slides>*
>>>    *
>>> If you're a former (or future) presenter and would like to have a link to
>>> your blog and/or have your slides hosted and linked to from the event,
>>> please send me email off list.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bill
>>> (Baypiggies.net webminator)
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