[Baypiggies] A mini-decorator workshop

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Sat Jul 24 05:07:42 CEST 2010

It's the same exact set of slides everyone has seen. What I want to do different is have us in a teaching environment working at our own pace.

So, we can't do it for a talk since we already have -- it'd be a complete repeat. What I want to do is a different format than baypiggies general meeting.


El Jul 23, 2010, a las 7:54 PM, akleider at sonic.net escribió:

> May I suggest such a talk might be held at next month's meeting. Jim
> hasn't found a speaker anyway (is that still true?) and there seemed to be
> a lot of general interest even though it is a 'newbie' topic. It might not
> appeal to the pundits but perhaps there are enough who would be interested
> to justify its being the main talk.
> ..just a suggestion..
>> My work schedule  is horrible for stuff like this. ( Currently 3pm-12am,
>> but next week going to 1-9pm). In order for me to attend there needs to
>> be wireless access (this is why I wasn't there last night... Symantec is
>> awesome for hosting, but loses points for no wifi). Regardless I would
>> love to attend this workshop.
>> Bryce
>> On 07/23/2010 04:52 PM, Glen Jarvis wrote:
>>> I really had a good time at the talk last night. There were some
>>> *good* questions and lots of interests -- that's always fun.
>>> I am *very* interested in helping everyone get past this first hurdle.
>>> If there is demand, I will hold a 2-3 hour FREE hands-on workshop over
>>> the same material (assuming we can all agree on a date, time and
>>> location).
>>> Please be aware that the scope of what I'm talking about is still
>>> within what was presented. Therefore, we won't be going into, for
>>> example, the introspection that is used in attrs. It's easy enough,
>>> but not the purpose of the talk/workshop. We won't talk about class
>>> decorators, etc.
>>> This first level idea is "How do I use decorators," -- not how do I
>>> write my own or even how these decorators work internally (although we
>>> can certainly dip our toes in at the very end of the workshop). We can
>>> also expand on how to use decorators before the pie syntax was
>>> included in Python - as that's still in the scope of *using* decorators.
>>> If we have questions outside this scope, I will plead ignorance (which
>>> may actually be true; but maybe not) and move to the next subject.
>>> Now that I've firmly set your expectation on scope, if there's
>>> interest in doing this, we can put together a small get together one
>>> evening after work. Because I already have materials prepared, this
>>> won't take any lead-time to set-up.
>>> Note that this will give us more time. So, I can ask you to, for
>>> example:
>>> * Write a function that takes two arguments. The first argument should
>>> only be an integer. But, the second argument can either be an integer
>>> or a float. Enforce this through assertions. Code should be PEP-8
>>> compliant.
>>> * The above, but pick one of the four decorators we discussed to do
>>> the same thing, instead. We can then have a discussion on why a person
>>> would choose the first (above) or this approach to do the same task.
>>> (Or some may argue that we are pre-optimizing and we shouldn't make
>>> such restrictions on functions unless absolutely necessary (and I
>>> would agree).
>>> * (Other similar exercises with some of the other three decorators we
>>> have distributed and discussed)
>>> * Write a function that takes as its arguments two functions (we'll
>>> call f1, and f2). Within the body of the function, call f1 and f2.
>>> Demonstrate how we see pass functions around like any object
>>> * Create a function that wraps another function
>>> * etc.
>>> If you can already do all of the above, you'd probably be bored silly
>>> and shouldn't attend this workshop. We'll advance to deeper levels
>>> over time -- just not at this meeting.
>>> The format would be in two portions: An introduction (same spiel as
>>> last night), and self-paced assignments/workshop. We would take more
>>> time to work on the example exercises. And, you would work on the
>>> examples while while we wait for questions to help you when you get
>>> stuck.
>>> Because this is self paced (after my initial spiel), people will
>>> finish at different times. I can imagine we'll finish in 3 hours or
>>> less -- some much quicker than others.
>>> Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you a 10% discount on
>>> the already FREE workshop ;)  This offer expires 1 week (i.e., if no
>>> one responds by then, I'm moving on to something else)...
>>> Cheers,
>>> Glen
>>> --
>>> Whatever you can do or imagine, begin it;
>>> boldness has beauty, magic, and power in it.
>>> -- Goethe
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