[Baypiggies] call for newbie nuggets

jim jim at well.com
Tue Jul 13 02:44:47 CEST 2010

i accept, and gladly. 

On Mon, 2010-07-12 at 17:32 -0700, Glen Jarvis wrote:
> We've tried this so many times and we always have mixed results...
> (But, let's do it again :)
> It's *hard* to make a decorator talk as a newbie nugget - and explain
> in a clear and concise way - such a new concept.
> What if we broke it down into a couple of different newbie nuggets?
> What about the first one is:
> 1) How do I use a decorator?   (i.e., examples of common decorators
> and how they are useful)
> For anyone who's actually used a decorator, this will be boring as sin
> -- but for anyone who hasn't, this will be a good introduction (and
> that's what newbie nuggets are for :)
> Then, another month or another time, we can build on it and we can do
> a talk of:
> 2) How to write a basic decorator
> I like the idea because it gives people a chance to use them first
> *before* we jump into writing them.... Also, there are tons of things
> we can leave out of the first talk -- just to keep it simple.
> If we accept this very *very* basic explanation approach (and
> part/progressive method over months), I'd consider doing the nugget...
> Cheers,
> Glen
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:46 PM, jim <jim at well.com> wrote:
>         thanks, marla,
>           you probably noticed that alex kleider's seconded
>         the decorators idea. i'm betting that a regular
>         beating^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H repeating of decorator
>         essentials is a good idea. now to find somebody to
>         do the presentation.
>           i love the idea of what's pythonic. i'd like to
>         know. seems like multiple newbie nuggets, each
>         focusing on one pythonic technique, would drill the
>         sense of it home (and "pythonic" does seem a mind set
>         that one acquires, like a taste for scotch whiskey).
>           got any more ideas?
>         On Mon, 2010-07-12 at 05:32 +0000, Marla Parker wrote:
>         > >   A newbie nugget is a short talk on a single
>         > > feature of Python programming, maybe a technique
>         > > or language feature or a built-in or..., that
>         > > is from five to ten minutes and targets an
>         > > experienced coder who is fairly new to Python.
>         >
>         > That is me: an experienced coder fairly new to Python.
>         > My 10 years of full time coding ended in 93, and since
>         > then I've been managing developers or working with
>         > developers but never doing code myself for my day job.
>         >
>         > Now I'm working to get back on the keyboard because
>         > frankly it is just more fun than all the other things
>         > I can do.
>         >
>         > So I don't want to give a newbie talk, but I'll suggest
>         > newbie talk subjects that I'd like to attend.
>         >
>         > - decorators - I've read about them and I get them in
>         > theory, and I've looked at some examples in our code base,
>         > but.... I feel like I'm missing the point.
>         >
>         > - "pythonic" things that seem weird at first but then
>         > wonderful once you get used to them
>         >
>         > That is all I can think of right now.  Maybe other newbies
>         > can suggest a topic that will make someone else think:
>         > hey, I guess I must be experienced because I could easily
>         > explain that in 10 minutes.
>         >
>         > Marla
>         >
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> -- 
> Whatever you can do or imagine, begin it;
> boldness has beauty, magic, and power in it.
> -- Goethe 

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