[Baypiggies] call for newbie nuggets

Marla Parker mparker at energy-solution.com
Mon Jul 12 07:32:06 CEST 2010

>   A newbie nugget is a short talk on a single 
> feature of Python programming, maybe a technique 
> or language feature or a built-in or..., that 
> is from five to ten minutes and targets an 
> experienced coder who is fairly new to Python. 

That is me: an experienced coder fairly new to Python.  My 10 years of full time coding ended in 93, and since then I've been managing developers or working with developers but never doing code myself for my day job.  

Now I'm working to get back on the keyboard because frankly it is just more fun than all the other things I can do.  

So I don't want to give a newbie talk, but I'll suggest newbie talk subjects that I'd like to attend.

- decorators - I've read about them and I get them in theory, and I've looked at some examples in our code base, but.... I feel like I'm missing the point.

- "pythonic" things that seem weird at first but then wonderful once you get used to them 

That is all I can think of right now.  Maybe other newbies can suggest a topic that will make someone else think: hey, I guess I must be experienced because I could easily explain that in 10 minutes.


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