[Baypiggies] FWD: She's Geeky invite for women

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Fri Jan 1 04:29:54 CET 2010

Forgot to forward this earlier:

----- Forwarded message from Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com> -----

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 05:42:53 -0500
From: Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com>
To: diversity <diversity at python.org>
Subject: [Diversity] [Fwd: [Foundations] She's Geeky invite for women]

Maybe of interest to the members of this list.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Foundations] She's Geeky invite for women
Date: 	Thu, 10 Dec 2009 01:06:28 -0800
From: 	Kaliya <kaliya at mac.com>
To: 	foundations at lists.freedesktop.org

So one of the issues that has been circulating in the tech world for
some time has been the issue of women (and other diversity) along with
the challenge of how to address it.

2 years ago I founded a women's technology unconference to support women
sharing and learning from one another with the ultimate goal of helping
those women who are geeky feeling more confident in their geekiness to
actually come out and express themselves more often in mixed settings.

We are having our 3rd Bay Area event at the end of January and I wanted
to extend an invitation to all the women on this foundations list to
attend.  Unfortunately this event is for women only - we have thought a
lot about this choice and why we made it - it is decidedly not about be
being "anti-male" and mostly about creating a safe space for women who
have been shy to express themselves. If this makes you feel
uncomfortable you can read more about this nuance and what we are about
here.  http://www.shesgeeky.org/about <ttp://www.shesgeeky.org/about">

Please consider passing this along to your over all FLOSS communities or
just women you know who participate - knowing about it and attending it
could make a big difference for women in your communities.


*She?s Geeky: Connecting Women in Tech*
 Returning to the Bay Area January 29, 30 & 31, 2010
@ the Computer History Museum in Mountain View

*/She's Geeky is just 7 weeks away!   /*
*/Early Bird Tickets are available for just 2 more weeks until December
20th. /*

www.shesgeeky. <ttp://www.shesgeeky.com/">org

*This event is for:*

    * Women Working in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic
    * Women into their gadgets and SciFi Fan?s.
    * Women students of the sciences, those training to be engineers,
      aspiring mathematicians and technology professions.
    * Women who are kernel hackers and all those who aspire to deepen
      their geekiness by learning how to code the php on their blogs.
    * Daughters, Nieces and mentees of all of the above
    * Women who are retired used to work in tech related fields.

*What happens?*

    * All the women who attend are invited to create the agenda live the
      day of the event.
    * Women can present/share about their area of professional expertise.
    * Women learn from one another.
    * Women discuss critical issues affecting them in the digital age.
    * Women talk about work place and community issues they face.
    * Women are inspired to follow their passion and believe in their
      own abilities.
    * Women find connections and support for their work and vision.

*About The Format*
She?s Geeky is an unConference
<ttp://www.unconference.net/"> (http://www.unconference.net/
<ttp://www.unconference.net/">) where the agenda is created by all
participants live the day the event happens.  This format supports peer
to peer learning, dialogue about the issues that are top of mind and
networking.  In this women?s only environment attendees have the
opportunity to see their contribution to their field in a new light and
gain confidence to step forward in their lives and careers.

Click here
for a dip into the Twitter Stream from the November 13 & 14, 2009, sold
out, Washington, DC She?s Geeky Event to get a sense of the experience
from those who attended!  Or to read answers to the end of day question:
?As a result of today?? click here <ttp://bit.ly/4pXVwI">.

*About She's Geeky*
She?s Geeky convenes to inspire women for the future, providing a
gathering space to create enduring communities that foster collaboration
and innovation, while promoting initiative and leadership among women
tech professionals. Beginning with its resoundingly successful 2007
unConference in Silicon Valley, She?s Geeky attracts women from a broad
spectrum of technological specialties, diverse social groups,
generations, and levels of expertise. The inclusive quality of She?s
Geeky events promotes discussion, furthers cooperation, and encourages
learning. She?s Geeky advances systemic change in tech culture by
disseminating effective practices to address the challenges of women
working in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

She?s Geeky isn?t a ?women in tech group? and we don?t have chapters
around the country. We are an unConference event that works to connect
and promote existing tech groups. Currently  we work with DevChix,
LinuxChix, Women 2.0, Women Who Tech, Digital Sistas, Girl Geek Dinners,
Gaming Angels, the Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology.

*We hope you will join us! *
If you want to post about the event you can find graphics here along
with a PDF flyer.
http://shesgeeky.org/sg/graphics/ <ttp://shesgeeky.org/sg/graphics/">

If you have questions we can be reached via info at shesgeeky.org
<mailto:info at shesgeeky.org>

You can find us on Twitter at - http://www.twitter.com/shesgeeky
Our website is http://www.shesgeeky.org <http://www.shesgeeky.org/>

Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC                 http://www.holdenweb.com/
UPCOMING EVENTS:        http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/

----- End forwarded message -----

Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote 
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

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