[Baypiggies] Graham Dumpleton visit

jim jim at systemateka.com
Mon Aug 30 19:31:21 CEST 2010

   I've been on Graham's blogger.com site 
and he's replied that he'll be available for one 
Friday evening during the time he's in the SF bay 
area. He doesn't know the date yet, his wife is 
making arrangements, he'll know soon. 
   I asked if he'll be in SF proper or in some 
other part of the bay area. No reply to that 
question. If SF proper, perhaps the noisebridge 
location would be good (it's near a BART stop and 
major SF Muni lines and perhaps more convenient 
not only for Graham but for people coming from 
north bay and mid- and south-peninsula)? 
   Energy Solutions is close to the 19th Street 
Oakland BART station (also convenient to BART). 
   Opinions or ideas? 

On Mon, 2010-08-30 at 10:05 -0700, Eric Walstad wrote:
> Hi Marla,
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Marla Parker
> <mparker at energy-solution.com> wrote:
> > So my question is:  how many people would likely show up for a talk 
> > by Graham Dumpleton (mr. mod_wsgi) in SF?  10-20 or 100? 
> Many thanks to you and Energy Solutions for offering to host a talk by
> Graham.  Please count me in.  I'd like to suggest/request the mod_wsgi
> discussion include a bit of best practices for a resource efficient
> deployment (embedded mode vs daemon mode) with an eye toward
> django-specific issues.
> Eric.
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