[Baypiggies] PyGameSF meetup Wednesday September 23 6pm @ Main San Francisco Public Library

Harry Tormey slander at unworkable.org
Fri Sep 18 07:12:12 CEST 2009

Hi All,
The September PyGameSF meet up will be at the STONG conference room on the
first floor of the main San Francisco public library beside civic center 
BART. The library closes at 8pm so we will reconvene to frjtz on hayes 
street for dinner/drinks afterwords. This month's presentations are:

*Niall Higgins (http://niallohiggins.com/): "OAuth and OpenID: A Python
Hacker's Guide."  Niall gives an overview of his experiences working with 
both OAuth (http://oauth.net/) and OpenID (http://openid.net/)

*Brad Busse, Harry Tormey(http://harrytormey.com/), Keith Nemitz
(http://mousechief.com/): "If we did do Pyweek9, here's how and what 
happened". An overview of the pyweek experience, what works what doesn't 
and why.

PyGameSF is an informal group meet up in San Francisco for Software
engineers interested in python, OpenGL, audio, pygame, SDL, programming
and generally anything to do with multimedia development. The format of 
our meetings typically involve several people giving presentations on 
projects they are developing followed by group discussion and feedback.

If anyone else would like to give a micro presentation, show demos or
just talk about what they are doing or generally give examples of any 
relevant software they are working on please feel free to head along

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Harry Tormey
Co Founder P2P Research
Founder PyGameSF
Software Engineer Digidesign

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