[Baypiggies] Meetup in SF

Marcus Phillips baypiggies at marcusphillips.com
Mon Sep 14 21:18:09 CEST 2009


Just wanted to inform you of the meetup this week in SF.  Should be a good
one, so please drop by if you're up this way.  Details below, and at



This month, we have Jim Baker from Boulder, CO giving us a talk on python
performance optimization.

Speaker Bio:
Jim Baker has 15 years of professional software development experience,
focusing on business intelligence, enterprise system management, and
high-performance web applications. He is a member at the Python Software
Foundation, a committer on Jython, and a frequent speaker at pyCon on python
performance / iterators. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from
Harvard University and a Masters of Computer Science from Brown University
(and an all-but-dissertation PhD candidate).

You have great unit tests. Your Python code is correct, or at least as much
as you can tell with your testing. Now you may want to optimize the
performance of some of that code, so as to improve the user experience,
reduce costs, or enhance scalability. In this talk, we will look at how to
apply some proven techniques for optimizing Python performance. First we
will discuss some approaches to profiling, which is what you should do
first. Then we will examine a variety of optimization strategies, from small
optimizations, to using better algorithms and more appropriate data
structures, to the impact of using a better fitting (or perhaps more
well-written) library, and more. And we will look at what exactly you may
want to optimize, whether that is response time, throughput, or various
other related metrics, and how to appropriately balance. Lastly, as it comes
up, we will also discuss some of the differences between the various
implementations, like CPython and Jython.

6:30p - 7:00p Pizza and Networking
7:00p - 8:30p Main talk / Q&A

Please RSVP so we know how much food to order ;-)

About Slide's office:
2.5 blocks from Cal Train
Easy parking along 2nd street and Brannan
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