[Baypiggies] Google Wave i-cron extension

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Fri Nov 20 09:43:53 CET 2009

I'm only now coming up to speed with Google Wave. I got my invite, I logged
in, I got the two waves from Dr. Wave... and then crickets chirped. I didn't
know anyone else who was currently on Google Wave and didn't see the power
of it...

It sat a week or two.. and then.. *POW*... I suddenly see the power of it --
especially with the extensions. I see this i-cron extension "evaluates
Python expressions. Looks at blips in event, searches for CALC() macros and
executes Python code using exec()."

Has anyone used this yet? Does it merit a newbie nugget (hopefully from
someone else)?...


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