[Baypiggies] Video Taping this session? Videos already online

Douglas Sims ratsbane at gmail.com
Thu May 28 20:04:26 CEST 2009

Glen, you've been doing great work with the videos.  I went to meetings when
I lived in Palo Alto but now that I don't, the videos provide a great
connection to the group and the talks, which are consistently worthwhile.

Thank you to you, the speakers, and the group.

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Glen Jarvis <glen at glenjarvis.com> wrote:

> I for one would really like to have the video taken.  Speaking as... er, a
> speaker.  I'm going to be summarizing several hours' worth of talks in 20
> minutes....
> Aaron,
>     This is good to know. I never mind schleping that stuff along and
> setting up. Although it's pretty labor intensive, it makes me feel good
> that, as a 1-1.5 year newb, I've been able to contribute back to the
> community.
>     I also realize that it may be helpful to speakers to have original
> formats (edited, but not formatted into a web stream). This way you can take
> the video and do what you want with it. I can happily give these things out
> if needed. Of course, it's better for BayPIGgies if speakers can link to the
> same YouTube videos (which have never yet been created/still in *.mov
> format) so it goes to the BayPIGgies YouTube space and promotes them....   I
> have a friend (student) who does video editing professionally and is needing
> extra income -- when I have a bigger budget, I'll pay him to do a lot of the
> tedious stuff that are labor intensive and that I hadn't gotten to yet.
> We'll also take donations toward this effort if anyone is so inclined. We're
> paying him $20/hour and he's a video film student (carbon copied on this
> email).
>     With all that said, I left this morning with the decision not to tape
> and I left the equipment at home. I'm changing that decision now (if I can
> work out the details). I walked to Citizen Space (http://citizenspace.us/)
> this morning and will have to get home and get the stuff before tonight. So,
> it will be a disorganized rush/mess if I can still make it happen tonight.
> Warmest Regards,
> Glen Jarvis
> --
> glen at glenjarvis.com
> "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi
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