[Baypiggies] Hello friends

Jeff Lindsay progrium at gmail.com
Wed May 20 21:13:04 CEST 2009

Ahem. NASA Ames is looking for awesome Python/Django developers. And it's
not just regular webdev... it's building scalable cloud infrastructure, a
high level app framework and components on top of Django, an integrated
development environment and much more.

NASA isn't known for having awesome/modern tech/process (agile, etc), but
our team is. Ultimately, we're trying to make NASA matter/cool again. Let me
know if any of you are interested.


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:02 AM, Brian Harring <ferringb at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 09:56:05AM -0700, Aahz wrote:
> > On Thu, May 14, 2009, Meenal Pant wrote:
> > >
> > > As many other developers I am seeking work at the moment. I am
> > > applying for jobs but there are hardly any leads.  I am looking for
> > > tips and advice on the best approach to this situation. I have been
> > > following this list for a while and sense that there are many Python
> > > gurus out here. I am learning Django nowadays to add a skill and have
> > > started a blog http://pythontalk.blogspot.com/ .
> >
> > Make sure you're monitoring the Jobs Board on www.python.org and keep
> > looking on Craigslist.
> The problem I've always had with CL is that the mentioning of python
> is basically defacto for HR folk- you wind up seeing quite a bit of
> "python would be great" for SA jobs that are mostly uninteresting in
> tech, scripting rather then actual development- this of course is
> exempting the front end work.  The front end work is mostly utilizing
> framework xyz to do JS/CSS/HTML abc.  Not knocking it, it's
> interesting work if you like the frontend. I'm personally more
> curious where folks are finding the true backend work, the "twisted
> backend that interfaces with the media store to serve out 100-1000
> files per second".  The code that powers the architecture
> essentially.  Best description I can offer, if it involves debugging
> the lighttpd state machine (nasty piece, that), it's the sort of work
> I'm talking about.
> So... sans the python job board, anyone got any pointers?  What I've
> mostly seen these days is positions where <=2 years of python
> suffices, or it's templating work.  I'm personally looking for
> something where knowing the intricacies and idiocies of the cpython
> vm matters (personal favorite, doing __getattr__ = getattr in
> <python-2.5).  I'm seriously not knocking the frontend work
> (templating and such), I'm just curious where folks see the sort of
> work where hacking the hell out of the django ORM to speed it up is
> the day to day work.
> Might just be that the market is a bit locked up right now, but most
> of the adverts I've seen really don't fall into the category described
> above- I'd be quite interested in any pointers to boards/forums w/
> work of the sort described above.
> Thanks in advance,  Feel free to view this as a mild rant about the
> PITA nature of finding a position where they're doing interesting
> things (positive social results, say kiva.org) *and* doing
> interesting tech in the process (say metaweb/freebase, although kiva
> may fall into that classification).
> Cheers-
> ~harring
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Jeff Lindsay
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