[Baypiggies] Python Developers - we're hiring and we hired Zachary Collins....

Emma Donovan emma at lolapps.com
Mon May 18 21:34:27 CEST 2009

Greetings - we're proud to announce that thanks to Baypiggies LOLapps met
and subsequently hired Zach Collins, an avid Baypiggies member !   However
Zach can't do it all on his own - we now need more engineers who can help us
further develop our Gift Creator and Quiz Creator applications.  This is an
exciting time for LOLapps as we're out of stealth mode, we're profitable and
we can claim 7 million daily active users.
If you are interested in exploring positions with us further or would like
more information you can contact me OR Zach at  <mailto:Zach at lolapps.com>
Zach at lolapps.com
We're looking forward to hearing from all you Baypiggies who are looking to
explore a new opportunity and Company.
Emma Donovan
LOLapps Media
direct 707 824 8111
emma at lolapps.com
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