[Baypiggies] Fwd: [SHDH] Hacker Dojo - Your Chance to be a Founding Member

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Wed May 6 23:07:50 CEST 2009

I seem to remember something about this on our mailing list as well:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David  Weekly <dweekly at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 6, 2009 at 1:12 AM
Subject: [SHDH] Hacker Dojo - Your Chance to be a Founding Member
To: SuperHappyDevHouse Announcements <SHDH-Announce at googlegroups.com>


As many of you know, several of us been working very hard for the past
few months to create a facility to support 24/7 DevHousing - a place
that hackers could call their own, hold classes and lectures at, build
community, do offsites, cowork from, network at, and so forth.

So I'm very proud to announce the formation of The Hacker Dojo
Corporation, a not-for-profit California corporation. We've selected a
final site at 140a South Whisman Road in Mountain View, a former
custom glassworking facility with 4400 square feet of hackery and
tomfoolery abounding. There's even a neighboring site (140b) that we
can expand into later. We've formed a Founding Board of Directors
(myself, Jeff, Kitt, Melissa, and Brian Klug) and are in the process
of opening our bank account. We even have over $10k of checks in hand
for Hacker Dojo, mostly from this initial Board.

But here's where you come in - we'd like to seed the Dojo with some
awesome DevHouse hackers. Memberships at the Dojo (which entitle you
to drop-in privileges and the ability to bring guests) start at $100/
mo. If you'd like to be a Founding Member, just prepay three months of
membership by the end of the month, or sign up for a monthly PayPal
subscription. More details are at http://d0j0.com/JoinTheDojo - sign
up now! If you can spare more than this and want to support the cause,
please donate more to sponsor memberships. (I myself just put in $2000
of my own money tonight; Kitt put in $3000, and Brian Klug wrote a
check to Hacker Dojo for a whopping $6000.)

Either way, I'd like to strongly encourage all DevHousers to to join
the Hacker Dojo PBworks space at d0j0.com and the mailing list at
groups.google.com/group/hackerdojo to get involved with this
community. Hacker Dojo will likely be the "operating organization"
that actually runs DevHouse, so these two Bay Area hacker brands are
going to be like peas in a pod. And if you've ever thought to yourself
"gosh, I'd like to have a hackathon of my own and I'd run it like..."
or "I wish I had a space to run a class/event for..." then dust off
those thinking caps, because our intent is to have the Dojo open for
innovation in June, provided enough folks like you join as members!

 David & The Dojo Gang
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In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things
with great love. -- Mother Teresa

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