[Baypiggies] Py4Science talk at Berkeley: change of schedule

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 20:07:52 CET 2009

[ I'm sending this to this list because several of you have contacted
me about the sphinx talk.  Sorry about the semi-spam]

Hi all,

sorry for the short notice, but we have a visitor from out of town who
agreed to present on a number of topics close to the work many of us
are doing and its Python interfaces, so I'm pushing my Sphinx talk to
*next week* (unless the room isn't available).

I hope to see you there, and sorry for the last-minute change of
schedule for those who were waiting on the Sphinx talk.  But I really
didn't want to pass up the opportunity of Steve's presentation.



Speaker: Steve Pieper, from the Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard.

Title: NA-MIC, Slicer and Python


The National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (http://na-mic.org/)
is an NIH sponsored effort to provide tools for developers and
end-users of new biomedical imaging algorithms to deploy their
efforts. Applications include such topics as neuroimaging, image
guided therapy, biomechanics, and microscopy (http://slicer.org/).  A
fully open source set of tools including CMake, VTK, ITK, and 3D
Slicer, are bundled in the NA-MIC Kit.

Particularly in the end-user applications, we are working to expose
the full range of functionality via python scripts in order to provide
direct access to visualization as well as image registration and
segmentation.  While the bulk of development, particularly for ITK
algorithms, takes place in C++, several opportunities exist for
leveraging the best of the both styles of programming.  For this venue
I will give some specific examples of how we are currently using
python in this context and a few of the thorny issues related to
deployment and integration with various C and C++ toolkits.

An overview of the current interface is given here:


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