[Baypiggies] Book Suggestions?

Alec Flett alecf at flett.org
Tue Jun 30 21:35:03 CEST 2009

I've personally always recommended the Python Cookbook, if you feel like you
know python moderately well.. the reason is that it shows you some great
patterns that go beyond just knowing the syntax of the language - among
other things it really redefined for me what "Object Oriented" meant in a
Python context. (and that was *after* doing C/C++ for 7 years and Python 2

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Stephen Cattaneo <
stephen.cattaneo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a $50 gift certificate to amazon burning a hole in my pocket.
> I'd like to pick up either a newb/intermediate Django book or an
> intermediate/advanced general Python book.
> Any suggestions?
> (I currently own a single Python book: "Python in a Nutshell.")
> Cheers,
> S
> --
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