[Baypiggies] Idle on iPhone?

Jon Rosebaugh jon at inklesspen.com
Sat Jun 27 03:11:50 CEST 2009

The SDK terms of service forbid shipping emulators or interpreters,  
presumably on the grounds that they want to make sure what's evaluated  
by their approval process is what will actually be running.

I am informed that there are some iPhone apps that use languages other  
than ObjC, so writing your app in Python should be permitted (and  
feasible, using PyObjC). Shipping an app that uses Python is different  
from shipping a Python interpreter app, though.

On Jun 26, 2009, at 6:03 PM, Glen Jarvis wrote:

> I misread the previous question to be "how to get IDLE on iPhone."  
> Even though that wasn't what was meant, it made me think. is anyone  
> trying to port
> IDLE and the python interpreter as an iPhone app? That means porting  
> everything to objective C. Is that possible? It's certainly too big  
> for me to try. But, it's an interesting idea.
> Would it get approved? Is the macpython port already written in  
> ObjC? Has some ambitious soul already thought of this and started?
> Inquiring minds,
> Glen
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