[Baypiggies] [Recruiter | Sort of] Choice Vendor

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Fri Jun 5 03:17:21 CEST 2009

I received this email from Rama. Would anyone here like me to forward  
them to Rama? I personally will not be pursuing this position.

--- Begin of Email ---
I received your resume from [snip], who mentioned that you might  
looking for a new position. I'm one of the founders of ChoiceVendor,  
and we're a small, venture-backed startup based in San Francisco that  
is building a web service that will help small & medium business  
owners manage their business more efficiently & effectively. You can  
see more details (but, admittedly, not too many more details :) athttp://www.choicevendor.com/about/ 

Would you be interested in speaking with us regarding a position at  
ChoiceVendor? If so, let me know if you have some time next week to  
chat in person or over the phone.

--- End of Email ---


glen at glenjarvis.com

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi

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