[Baypiggies] current topic schedule for February, March, and April

Pete pfein at pobox.com
Fri Jan 23 19:31:58 CET 2009

On Jan 23, 2009, at 2:04 AM, Drew Perttula wrote:

> Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
>> A newbie nugget on Supervisord would be cool.
> I can talk about supervisor anytime. I'm using it to run 32  
> processes on bigasterisk.com as we speak, and one of them is another  
> supervisor with 7 more processes :)
> On another topic, does anyone have experience with the other dbm  
> modules such as tokyo cabinet? I'm looking for something to use  
> instead of berkeleydb since I'm sick of dealing with berkeleydb  
> corruptions every several days. I can't manage to settle on a 'safe'  
> config since I use multiple machines and distros. I'm ready to give  
> up some write performance for robustness.

Yeah, we had various mysterious problems with berkdb a while back.   
Googling suggest "try this or that magic flag", at which point we  
switched to GDBM & have never looked back.  To be honest, I've not  
heard of anyone who *hasn't* had serious problems with berkleydb in a  
non-trivial use case (best known example being Subversion).

Big list here: http://qdbm.sourceforge.net/ 

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