[Baypiggies] Talk @ Baypiggies in Feb?

jim jim at well.com
Mon Jan 19 03:05:38 CET 2009

   not to worry. we'll work on having not one 
but two newbie nuggets to supplement your talk. 
   meetings start at 7:35 PM with a newbie 
nugget--probably two newbie nuggets in your 
case. then comes The Talk (you're on), which 
goes until 8:30 to 8:45. then there are 
announcements ("mapping") and getting together 
("random access"). 
   per above, you'd start your talk around 
8 PM and finish up around 8:30 or a little 
later. usually there are five or ten minutes 
worth of announcements, and some people stay 
to chat with each other (e.g. follow up on 
a job announcement). nobody's ever complained 
about a talk that was too short. 
   if there's anything we can do to help you 
out, make things pleasant (e.g. give a ride), 
or whatever, let us know. 
   many thanks, 
jim for baypiggies 

On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 17:07 -0800, Pete wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2009, at 4:10 PM, jim wrote:
> >
> >   it's surprising how a small information load
> > can take up time. don't worry about filling the
> > time, but you can begin with an overview (what
> > problem is solved), then talk about practical
> > matters of setting up (what tools, complementary
> > modules, and anything else that one can use for
> > practical coding), then some code examples, then
> > note any pitfalls, maybe common blind-alley
> > thinking traps, then questions and discussion,
> > and what do you know: the security staff is
> > trying to kick us out.
> >   if you think you can give your talk in about
> > 30 minutes, it'll almost certainly expand to 45.
> > don't worry if it's less. we can fill in before
> > and after your talk with one or more newbie
> > nuggets (lightning talks), announcements, and
> > discussion.
> I can try to add a little more material showing real-world use cases,  
> but I've already got most of the above covered.  I've given this  
> before, and really, it's just not that long of a talk. ;-)
> >   if you think you'll have trouble filling 30,
> > let us know and we'll fix up newbie nuggets to
> > order.
> Filling 30 minutes is no problem, 45 is a stretch and an hour is out.   
> I don't know how long your meetings usually go.
> >   this is for thursday, february 26, right?
> Yup.
> --Pete

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