[Baypiggies] Tonight's meeting recorded

Glen Jarvis glen at glenjarvis.com
Fri Jan 9 09:45:58 CET 2009

I did get tonight's meeting recorded. There are times where the camera  
had to juggle to catch up to the speaker(s) -- we don't have a podium  
or single place to stand, so it added some jiggle in places (I did use  
a tripod though). This movement, with the projector light, also causes  
some lighting issues. But, only in places.

    All in all, it's worked and there are chunks (a solid 45 minutes)  
where the lighting is good and the camera didn't have to move.

I can't stream it tonight - I don't have the right kind of firewire  

I'll pick up a cable and start editing soon.

If you were a speaker and can send slides/files to me (if you hadn't  
already), these can be spliced into the video to make it easier to see.

Obviously there are things we can learn from to make the next one even  

I'll try to get this video streamed before Monday, but I can't promise  
anything just yet..

Take care,

glen at glenjarvis.com

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -M. Gandhi

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