[Baypiggies] video tonight (I volunteer/need camera)

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 00:38:04 CET 2009

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Paul McNett <p at ulmcnett.com> wrote:
> Glen Jarvis wrote:
>> Thanks to Doug Sims, I am bringing a camera to the meeting tonight. If we
>> have permission to record (and I expect we will), I will record the meeting,
>> edit it for streaming, and provide the Video to the group.
>> I don't have an external microphone (although the camera supports it). So,
>> the audio may be bad. We may need to look at that in the future depending
>> upon how well the audio records for this event.
> I have 2 professional wireless (lavalier) mikes that I'd be happy to loan
> for Baypiggies recording. The speaker would need to have somewhere to attach
> the clip, like a shirt pocket or something, and there's a transmitter that
> he/she will have to either clip to a wasteline or put in a pocket. The
> receiver plugs into the camera, or into an audio mixer (which I may be able
> to also loan, I have to check) and into the camera.
> Each transmitter/receiver pair needs fresh 9-volt batteries before each
> recording (don't want them fading out during a recording), so a Cosco trip
> would be in order for a large pack of them.
> Problem is: I can't make tonight's meeting, and haven't been able to make a
> meeting in quite a while. So, if someone wants to get close to Hollister on
> the way, maybe I could meet you to hand off the mike?
> Anyway, Glen, if I can't get the mike to you for tonight, I'll get it to you
> for extended loan before next meeting. The audio quality is excellent.

Since I'm giving Glen a ride from Concord in an hour and a half, I can
guarantee you that we won't be able to make it to Hollister ;)

However, that's a generous offer.  If someone else can pick them up,
that'd be great.  I don't know what life will be like when we meet at
Symantec next month.  I know they have an audio system, but I don't
know how they can integrate with the camera.


In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things
with great love. -- Mother Teresa

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