[Baypiggies] video tonight

Tony Cappellini tony at tcapp.com
Thu Jan 8 19:49:49 CET 2009

On 1/8/09, Benjamin Sergeant <bsergean at gmail.com> wrote:
> What could be done also is posting the slides (or videos) online, and
> discuting them online in a sub-reedit or similar site. I'm a slow thinker ..
> and always come up with questions two days after the presentation :)

As of Jan 2009, Baypiggies no longer has any video/audio recording capability.
Slides are always be posted to the website, as long as the presenters
give permission.

If anyone wants to volunteer to bring their own audio and/or video
gear to record, edit, and post the results please let us know.

We may have to get permission from Symantec if we were to record those

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