[Baypiggies] Meeting Place - Yes

Ross Parlette ross at pcnt.com
Thu Jan 1 07:59:51 CET 2009

I have attended many meeting of SVLUG at this facility and it is great. OK. 
Not as great as Google, but certainly sufficient for our meetings. I'll miss 
being able to jaunt down the hall for free Odwalla and fruit but I can live 
with that.

The 4th Thursday is also fine w/ me. We'll probably run into a problem w/ a 
holiday or two, but that's the breaks. Some folks will have a conflict w/ 
the 4th Thursday but others who have not been able to attend will discover 
that the 4th Thursday works for them.

I have not been attending since my two total knee repacement surgeries but I 
expect to be coming back in the knear future.

Ross (now 30% more bionic) Parlette

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