[Baypiggies] My PyCon tutorial: Scrape the Web

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at asheesh.org
Wed Feb 18 16:59:14 CET 2009

I gave a rushed preview last month at Baypiggies of my web scraping 
tutorial. I didn't get a chance to show off my favorite tool: hijacking 
the web browser itself via Selenium Remote Control.

You can sign up for my tutorial at PyCon and I'll personalize the 
presentation for you (if you email me with enough lead time) and the other 
students. Just sign up for PyCon and my tutorial and drop me a line.

http://us.pycon.org/2009/tutorials/schedule/2AM8/ has some more info. 
PyCon will be fun!

-- Asheesh.

You will wish you hadn't.

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