[Baypiggies] looking for a good python/EDA person

Corey Coughlin corey.coughlin at comcast.net
Fri Apr 24 08:37:48 CEST 2009

    Hi, my company (Virage Logic) is currently looking for someone with 
some good python programming experience.  Some EDA experience would be 
good too.  I should warn you that my company can be pickier than I'd 
like, but I'm really hoping to find some help.  The job would involve 
taking over maintenance of an existing code base, and hopefully getting 
some refactoring going to make it a lot more maintainable.  The code is 
used to generate and validate the variety of EDA views associated with 
ASIC cells.  So, if that sounds interesting, give me a resume, and we'll 
see if we can get something going.  Thanks!

    -----  Corey Coughlin
                corey.coughlin at viragelogic.com

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