[Baypiggies] PyGameSF meetup Monday October 13th 7pm @ Metreon San Francisco

Harry Tormey slander at unworkable.org
Fri Oct 10 22:51:08 CEST 2008

Hi All,
just writing to say that this months PyGameSF meet up is on Monday
October 13th from 7pm at the Metreon food court in San Francisco. This
month's presentations are:

- Robert Ferguson "The Gamera Framework"

About:  This talk will demonstrate Gamera: A framework for image
analysis and recognition with a python-based framework using C++
algorithms and a Matlab like interface to reduce the programming
burden for domain experts.  http://ldp.library.jhu.edu/projects/gamera/

- Brad Busse "What I Did for My Summer Vacation" 

About: In this getting-to-know-you talk Brad will describe a Defend
Your Castle clone he coded over the past summer (using pygame), and
enthuse over Pygame and OO coding in general.  He will also touch on
his current project, and ideas for possible collaborations.

PyGame SF is an informal group meet up in San Francisco for Software
engineers interested in python, OpenGL, audio, pygame, SDL,
programming and generally anything to do with multimedia development.
The format of our meetings typically involve several people giving
presentations on projects they are developing followed by
group discussion and feedback.

If anyone else would like to give a micro presentation, show demos or
just talk about what they are doing or generally give examples of any
relevant software they are working on please feel free to head along.

To subscribe to the pygamesf mailing list simply email
pygame-sf+subscribe at unworkable.org

Harry Tormey


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