[Baypiggies] What do you want to know about Stackless?

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Wed May 14 09:57:46 CEST 2008

Hey Stephen:

> That would be totally awesome.

Wot, a Psyco talk? no problem, more a wish, to flush my brain.

> Maybe you could tell us whether Psyco needs volunteers or testers,
> and where you see Python 3.0 going.

Yes yes yes I need testers, cohortes of them!
Problem is that psyco was written by a much more intelligent
person than me, and I need to emulate his 'brain-like-a-planet'
all the time. Yeech.

Psyco is just crazy, and it was called dead by Armin. I agreed.
But then I was paid to work on it, and I have to say, it makes
sense, because PyPy is the great promise and whish (and also
what I should be working on), but Psyco is a big gap. People
want to see it being updated, until they can se PyPy's JIT.

> I apologize I had very bad flu last week so couldn't make BayPIGgies - I 
> was in a very bad way.

I am very close to publish the first preview of an alpha.
Will make sure to post it to this list, first.
I was very happy to be at the BayPiggies meeting, felt
really good.

all the best -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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