[Baypiggies] What do you want to know about Stackless?

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Wed May 14 08:50:46 CEST 2008

Eric Walstad wrote:

> I've never used stackless, so I'm hoping Chris will include a high
> level overview of what stackless is and why it exists (1, above).  If
> the talk goes deep fast, I'll likely be lost.
> As an aside, I'd also like to know what kind of beer the Starship crew
> chief enjoys or if there's any other Starship donations that could be
> made while he's here.

Guinness :)

> Of course, I'm assuming this is the same
> Christian Tismer that runs our beloved starship.python.net.  Chip in
> for more bandwidth, perhaps?

Bandwidth is not limited. Just the strength of my nerves, if
there is lots of traffic which I have no explainment for.
No problem, that's cleaned out.

And I think to upgrade to an 8 GB machine, to give more freedom
(including 2 GB or more) to the Starship.

cheers - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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