[Baypiggies] summer intern

Santosh Putta sputta_k at yahoo.com
Mon May 5 17:02:14 CEST 2008

We are looking for some one to put a formal frame work around our unit tests and create a nightly regression suite. There are several other projects including writing interfaces to external tools in Python and data analysis. Please see below for the job description. Interested parties can email me or the HR address below.



Nodality Inc. is a privately held emerging biotechnology company that is developing technology for various medical applications related to the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of oncology and autoimmune related disease processes. Our expertise in multiparametric single cell-based measurements will enable us to advance our technology in all aspects of drug development including discovery research, clinical trial cohort identification, biomarker analysis, and pharmacodynamic monitoring. 

We are seeking qualified applicants for the position of Summer Intern at our headquarters in South San Francisco to work in the Research Informatics group.  In
this position you will:
·  Build a testing and regression suite for our internal code base
·  Develop interfaces to external tools to help with our data flow and analysis
The ideal candidate will have
· BS/MS in Computer Science or Bioinformatics
· Strong programming skills in Python
· Experience working with multidisciplinary teams; excellent communication skills
· Familiarity with .NET and C# programming a plus
· Training/experience in statistics or machine learning a plus

Rate of pay depends on experience.  This is a summer position (temporary 10-15 weeks) only, so no benefits are provided.  Please submit your resume with brief cover letter to jobs at nodalityinc.com.  Nodality, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.


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