[Baypiggies] (consulting) Plone development for the Tech Museum

Robert Stephenson rstephe at sun.science.wayne.edu
Wed Mar 5 17:46:39 CET 2008

I am looking for someone to do some advanced development for my Plone  
site (http://thethechvirtual.org) at the Tech Museum of Innovation.

This is an interesting job.  We are open sourcing the Museum's entire  
content development process and inviting outsiders to create content  
for the museum.  We have a Plone-based Web collaboration platform   
where anyone can propose an exhibit and develop their idea, and a  
Virtual Tech Museum in Second Life where they can prototype the  
exhibit in the Parkside Exhibit Workshop .  This gig, which may  
involve ~50 hours over the coming month, involves building an event- 
driven reputation index for individuals, a similar progress index for  
projects, and data links between the Website and objects in the Second  
Life museum.


Robert Stephenson
The Tech Museum of Innovation
San Jose, CA, USA

1 408 795-6162
rstephenson at thetechvirtual.org
AIM: rstephelearn, Yahoo!: rstephemi, MSN: rstephemi, Skype: rstephe
SL: Stephe Roux

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