[Baypiggies] Python deployment tools [Fwd from python(x,y) list]

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 13 02:19:59 CEST 2008

I'm forwarding this post from python(x,y) list so anyone with
expertise with deployment tools can comment to them
(to contact at pythonxy.com or their entire list pythonxy at googlegroups.com ).
FYI python(x,y) is a nicely packaged distribution of
Python + Eclipse + scientific + plotting packages + MinGW.
Currently only for Windows but Linux may be coming.
And the maintainer gives a very fast turnaround, is very responsive
to suggestions, and constantly revises updates on the individual
subpackages. A big two thumbs up.
> Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 14:30:14 -0700> Subject: [python(x,y)] Re: deployment tools> From: contact at pythonxy.com> To: pythonxy at googlegroups.com> > > Hi Tony,> > I did some tests on the three most popular deployment tools for> Python : py2exe, PyInstaller and Cx Freeze.> > py2exe seems to be the more appropriate for Python(x,y): I> successfully converted a whole PyQt-Matplotlib application into a> stand-alone Windows executable, and it worked fine on a clean Windows> (running on a virtual machine). It is very easy to use, now that I> found the two or three tips to avoid converting errors.> (For the record : PyInstaller doesn't deal with Python path including> space characters, and Cx_Freeze need a patch as well as a lot of> options to get rid of converting error when dealing with Qt/matplotlib-> based applications)> > So py2exe with documentation and an example (with the tips mentioned> above) will be included in the next Python(x,y) release.> > Pierre> > > On 12 juin, 23:17, Tony <t.gi... at uq.edu.au> wrote:> > Hi all,> >> > small feature request.> >> > I think it would be a really good idea to include deployment tools in> > Python(x,y). So I can get my applications running on other machines> > very quickly.> >> > Cheers> > Tony
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