[Baypiggies] Looking for subcontractors in the area

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 07:03:05 CEST 2008


Our company, C Squared Enterprises, specializes in Open Source development.
We are primarily a python shop (Zope/Plone) and we are getting into Pylons
and Grok. Now that I'm such a guru(ess?) in Plone templating I'm delving
into Mako and actually going to learn Python (go me).

We have a few terrific programmers that work for us in other parts of the
country but we are looking for someone (or two) interested in side work
(please don't quit your day job, really). We can't guarantee hours right now
but there are times when we have so much work we can't see straight (feast
or famine). We are hard working 40-somethings with a passion for Open

If you are interested in being contacted when python development work
crosses my desk please email me with a resume and your hourly rate (we
mostly get inquiries about Zope/Plone but like I mentioned we are now
recommending other technologies as well depending on the requirements of the
potential client - Looking for an intranet - Plone is great for that,
looking for a database heavy application, Pylons or Django will do the trick
(you get the picture))

Our office is located in San Jose (behind Westgate Mall) and I'm looking for
someone (or two) who will make an occasional appearance in our office for a
cup of coffee and intelligent conversation. No foosball here. Maybe a little
talk about getting old and dealing with teenagers, but only a little.

We are looking to grow and that growth is highly contigent upon quality
programming resources, so if you want to start slow and get to know us, or
if you are interested in learning Zope and Plone from the ground up, this is
a great way to do it :-).

Donna M. Snow
(If you are going to Linux World come visit me at the Plone booth - - I'll
be there all three days from 1pm on --we got a full booth sponsored for us
this year!)
(Oh and don't forget to sign up for the Linux Picnic if you haven't
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