[Baypiggies] newbie nuggets

Daryl Spitzer daryl.spitzer at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 00:14:55 CEST 2008

I was on vacation last week and couldn't track this thread.  Shall I
prepare the with statement newbie nugget for this Thursday?

-jj, your suggestions on what to present make sense to me.  I'm going
to see if I can take it a little further (but still keep it to 10


On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Ursula A. Kallio <uak at nerp.net> wrote:
> Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
>> It does seem like we have some consensus.  At least, no one has
>> objected.  Daryl has volunteered to go first.  Atul has volunteered
>> next.  Jim coordinates speakers.  If you are interested in presenting
>> a newbie nugget, please tell Jim on list or directly at jim at well.com.
>> You can pick a subject of your own choosing or look at the list above
>> for inspiration.
>> Here's how I propose we gauge success.  During the meeting, after the
>> newbie nugget, we ask for a quick show of hands from all the people
>> who got something out of the nugget.  If we get 15 or so hands, then I
>> say it's worth doing.
> <snip>
> Please consider the virtual hands that go up when someone watches the video
> later. Personally, I cannot make it to the live newbie nuggets (or the live
> meetings in general) in Mtn View because of my work schedule.
> /me goes back to lurking.
> uak
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