[Baypiggies] Essential SQLAlchemy, 1st Edition- I have a reviewer now. No more replies are necessary

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 08:21:06 CEST 2008

> Do you have experience setting up/maintaining a Plone CMS? If so help would
> be most welcome.

I'm afraid to admit it, but I do.  I did my church's Web site with it.
 Hmm, apparently my church's Web site is down.  Ugh, I suck.

> I have a strong preference for python based system as well.
> But I have really good docs on dealing with joomla.
> Therein lies the opensource problem, great software(perhaps), but poor docs
> (cause developers rarely like writing docs, and not many open source tech
> writers).
> Unless there's a book for sale I suppose.
> If some one can point me at a great book for plone, I'll restart my efforts
> to learn it.
> (I think the current site is plone 2.5.x not 3.1)

I read "The Definitive Guide to Plone".  It was good.  I read most of
the book, and I really felt like I had a good handle on the system.
Of course, I can't do anything without the book in front of me ;)  On
the bright side, knowing Plone is really good for your resume!

Personally, I don't think Plone is the problem.  The real problem is
simply lack of time.

Best Regards,

It's a walled garden, but the flowers sure are lovely!

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