[Baypiggies] two possible future talks: ipython and numpy/scipy

Stephen McInerney spmcinerney at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 1 21:04:52 CEST 2008

numpy/scipy and ipython:
Both are of interest to me. Prefer to hear about numpy/scipy first.
- Would also like to briefly understand how the licensing for distros works
given that there are many dependencies. Why are there so many different
types of license?
- If it makes sense, when talking about scipy/numpy it could be useful to 
also show examples of poltting and visualization packages
(Matplotlib, VTK, MayaVi) just so people know what they
are and how to interface to them.
PS Scientific Python conference is in Pasadena end of August. I might attend,
some others might too.
It’s a talkathon – but it’s not just talk.
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