[Baypiggies] two possible future talks: ipython and numpy/scipy

jim jim at well.com
Tue Jul 1 06:00:09 CEST 2008

fernando perez is willing to present separate talks 
on ipython and on {num,sci}py, which have surfaced 
as topics of interest amongst the group. what's your 
take? which might he do first? got any suggestions 
as to what he'd cover in each of these two talks? 

-----------------------------per fernando----------------

...float it publicly on the list, I'm
happy to hear feedback.  Here are some micro-abstracts to guide your
decision making:

- numpy/scipy: how python is becoming the dominant high-level language
for scientific work, who's using it, what we do with it, what the key
projects are, where we're headed, what challenges we have, where
others can contribute.

- ipython: its uses as a tool for better interactive work with the
language, a hands-on demo, how to customize it for your project, and
where it is going.  We're busy extending all of its features to work
over  a network, so you can use it to drive interactively distributed
and parallel apps, as well as offering GUI frontends.  Plenty of
opportunity for others to collaborate/participate.



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