[Baypiggies] please vote for february meeting date

jim stockford jim at well.com
Fri Jan 25 19:08:28 CET 2008

    for our february meeting, guido van rossum will
preview his keynote about python 3000 at pycon,
in which he discusses what python 3000 means
for your code, what tools will be available to help
you in the transition, and how to be prepared for
the next millennium.

    our meeting is currently scheduled for february
14, which is valentine's day. there are claims that
attendance will be low and that some of you will
be doing other things that evening.

    there is the possibility that we can arrange to have
the meeting on february 21, the following thursday,
instead. guido is willing and able to speak on
either date. google may be able to provide facilities.

    please vote on which date you want the bayPIGgies
+1 means you want a change to february 21
-1 means you do not want a change, you want the
currently scheduled date of february 14

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