[Baypiggies] call for pre-pycon speakers

jim jim at well.com
Wed Dec 31 04:51:11 CET 2008

thanks lots, how about january in the san 
jose tech museum? i can guarantee a ride 
down and back. 

On Tue, 2008-12-23 at 19:00 -0500, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Dec 2008, jim wrote:
> >   this is a call for speakers, especially those who'd like to present a 
> > pre-pycon rendition of talks you'll be presenting at pycon. please reply 
> > if you're interested in presenting on january 8 or february 12.
> I'm giving a Tutorial at Pycon entitled:
> "Scrape the Web: Strategies for programming websites that don't expect it"
> It goes beyond mechanize+BeautifulSoup to include a discussion of Selenium 
> Remote Control, which is the one fairly neat trick up my sleeve.
> I haven't actually written the whole tutorial yet, but I should do that! 
> I can give a modified version of it to BayPiggies in February so that I 
> can get feedback to put into the version I'll give in March at PyCon. 
> I've given similar talks at other venues in the past.
> The tutorial is supposed to be three hours long; no need for my Baypiggies 
> version to be that long. 
> http://svn.asheesh.org/svn/public/20082009/pycon-proposal.rst is the 
> proposal I sent to them, which y'all are welcome to peruse to find things 
> I should focus on in a way-shorter Baypiggies version.
> -- Asheesh.

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