[Baypiggies] looking for locations

wesley chun wescpy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 20:27:38 CET 2008

> Also, please let me know if you wouldn't mind a search in San Francisco.. I
> am fairly certain I could find us some space in the city (like SF Public
> Library Meeting rooms). But, I don't want to go through the energy if it's
> already a "no thanks"....  Or, if there is a chance we can get one of the
> leads above.

i think because of the (re)start of the SF group, that BayPIGgies will
prefer to remain in the south bay, but i'll let the membership chime
in if there are any biases.

fortunately (or unfortunately [commute]), i can attend both because i
work in the city but live in the south bay.

-- wesley
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"Python Web Development with Django", Addison Wesley, (c) 2009

wesley.j.chun :: wescpy-at-gmail.com
python training and technical consulting
cyberweb.consulting : silicon valley, ca

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