[Baypiggies] Fwd: [FM Discuss] flossmanuals summit

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 22:10:08 CET 2008

Free Software publishing company looking for Python programmers.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aleksandar Erkalovic <aerkalov at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:01 AM
Subject: [FM Discuss] flossmanuals summit
To: discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net


as adam already said in his e-mail we are in a hunt
for some developers for this event in amsterdam:

we are generaly in a hunt for people who are willing
to help us (with current and new system we are
developing) but event in amsterdam seems like a cool
place to meet, hang out and work together. so if you
are interested or you know someone (not just joining
us at the event) who could be interested please
tell them.

anywho, let me tell you something about this new flossmanuals
we are developing. there was couple of reasons but we
decided to switch from twiki as a platform to combination
of python+django+jquery+some_kind_of_sql. why? well, wiki is a great thing
for making "prototypes" but we have comed to the point
where we are asking for much much more then what twiki can
offer us as a platform. at the end, extending twiki is as much work as
writing our own system except we don't have to worry
about rest of the twiki community accepting our changes in
the core system. and considering twiki fork and problems
in their community it is something to think about.

so in next weeks/months we will have some working version
of this new system. we will be more then happy to
have someone to join us at the early stage of development or
we can just meet in amsterdam and work together on some of
the extensions that community might need. so... any kind
of feedback or help is appreciated :)


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And Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, The Truth my destination.

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