[Baypiggies] What do you want to know about Stackless?

Grace Law glaw at slide.com
Fri Apr 18 03:22:57 CEST 2008


It's not often that Christian Tismer, inventor of Stackless Python visits the Bay Area from Germany. Is there anything in particular that people would like to know about Stackless so I can ask Chris to incorporate them his talk on May 8? 

So far - I have heard - 

1) Why is Stackless needed 
2) Latest development with Stackless 
3) How do you get it working in your system ? 
4) How do you use it in your app? 
5) Comparison with Greenlets 

To get a preview on Stackless - visit: 

Thanks in advance for your comments... 

Grace Law 

Slide is hiring! 
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