[Baypiggies] questions from a noob

Keith Dart ♂ keith at dartworks.biz
Thu Sep 20 22:11:01 CEST 2007

Stephen Cox wrote the following on 2007-09-19 at 17:46 PDT:
> I have a project(s) of love I've been working on, what I like to  
> call: sustainable-agriculture modeling. And after complaining about  
> ruby to  friend of mine, he pointed me back to python.  So here I am.  
> Oh and one more thing, Civ 4 is python.  I have a few mods in mind. :)


You might want to check out:




-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Keith Dart <keith at dartworks.biz>
   public key: ID: 19017044

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