[Baypiggies] questions from a noob

Anna Ravenscroft annaraven at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 19:33:11 CEST 2007

Welcome to Python! Great choice. ;-)

On 9/19/07, Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2007, Stephen Cox wrote:
> >
> > Anyway enough of me, some questions. Found this list via python.org.
> > And after reading some of the threads was wondering if this was the
> > right list for newbs? If not, can you point me to a list or forum
> > that is?
> There is no "the" right list.  The baypiggies list can certainly handle
> some questions (particularly if you also want to make geographically
> local connections), but if you want to have in-depth discussions, you
> probably will be better off with one (or more) of the following:
> help at python.org

help is good for asking specific questions with a group of specific
experts who provide answers.

> tutor at python.org
tutor is great to follow and get advice and ask questions but is more
open to everyone answering than just  official responders. It's a good
list to read just to get more info.

> comp.lang.python (also available as python-list at python.org)
> --
c.l.py is a great, and very welcoming, community. BayPiggies is a good
place to come and meet people face to face if you're in the area. And
you're, of course, welcome to stick around here on the BayPiGgies

Walking through the water. Trying to get across.
Just like everybody else.

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