[Baypiggies] concurrency talk

Anna Ravenscroft annaraven at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 02:23:07 CEST 2007

On 9/18/07, Michael Pittaro <mikeyp at snaplogic.org> wrote:
> There's definitely more than one hour worth of material here....probably
> several separate talks.  We could probably schedule 1 meeting per
> quarter on parallelism and concurrency for the next year.  (Frankly,
> theres probably enough material to justify a book on Python concurrency,
> or at least a Pycon tutorial.)
> Alex Martelli's ACCU talk last week did a good job of looking at Python
> concurrency in the general sense, from event driven and callback models
> through to parallel execution.
> Once you get into true parallel execution, the two main schools of
> thought center around the memory model for programming  - whether it's a
> shared memory model (usually SMP)  based on threads, or a distributed
> memory model based on message passing.    Each of these models alone
> would probably justify a single talk.

I think a series makes a lot of sense. And yes, one meeting a quarter
(or two to get started?) would be a good rhythm. Give people time to
prepare talks and such. And people can work with someone else to
prepare talks, to have a couple people if someone doesn't feel they
can do a whole hour's worth themselves.

Walking through the water. Trying to get across.
Just like everybody else.

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