[Baypiggies] Plone changeover of http://www.baypiggies.net/new/plone? Stale page.

wesley chun wescpy at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 01:25:49 CEST 2007

i don't have any sysadmin or root access on our hosted server.  i also
am not part of donna's plone dev team, so i don't know what is being
sent *to* whom *by* whom, nor do i know any of the SMTP AUTH info.


>  I believe the spamfilters on freemail providers tend to reject the mail, at
> least the first time or two.
>         :
>  (Donna, Wesley, can the verification mail be tweaked to not get blocked?)
> > Just tried to create an account.. got the following message.
> > E-mail (Required)
> > Enter an email address. This is necessary in case the password is
> > lost. We respect your privacy, and will not give the address away to
> > any third parties or expose it anywhere.
> > We were unable to send your password to your email address: (530,
> > '5.5.1 Authentication Required 7sm4248006agb', '"Portal Administrator"
> > <postmaster at localhost>')

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