[Baypiggies] Registration & Information for October 11th meeting

jim stockford jim at well.com
Tue Oct 9 17:14:23 CEST 2007

yes, please.

On Oct 8, 2007, at 9:37 PM, Leslie Hawthorn wrote:

> Should we add a rides needed section to the wiki?
> On 10/8/07, Max Slimmer <max at theslimmers.net> wrote: I will be driving 
> down to meeting from the city (financial district), so can probably 
> give you a ride.
>> max
>>> From: baypiggies-bounces at python.org 
>>> [mailto:baypiggies-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Glen Jarvis
>>> Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 7:27 PM
>>> To: Python
>>> Subject: Re: [Baypiggies] Registration & Information for October 
>>> 11th meeting
>>> Hello Baypiggies.
>>> I'd like to take a quick moment to introduce myself before I ask for 
>>> a ride from San Francisco to the Baypiggies Google meeting.
>>> I am a new-to-california-transplant that has been here just over a 
>>> month. I was hired to do Python programming. So, I took my first two 
>>> weeks going through "Learning Python" front to back. I also have 
>>> been doing extra "homework": In the evenings, I'd watch a new Monte 
>>> Python Flying Circus through Netflix, and then send off the DVD to 
>>> keep the cycle going. I'm almost through the series ;)
>>> I've also since written two applications (although small) with 
>>> Python. I've not yet gone through "System Programming with Python." 
>>> (I don't have either book in front of me and could have been 
>>> mistaken on exact title names).
>>> I couldn't go to the first Bay Piggies meeting because I had guests 
>>> in town and was just settling in myself. I was really *really* 
>>> looking forward to going.
>>> This morning, while bicycling to work, I decided to be stupid and 
>>> try to jump a curb at 35ish mph (or however fast traffic was). 
>>> Worse, I didn't actually "jump" and my angle to the curb was about 
>>> 25 degrees. Can you say "Gumby." Needless to say, my left shoulder 
>>> blade is "deformed" (bones aren't in their normal place).
>>> All of this, including the morning in ER, was fun - my first injury 
>>> in California =) (Hey, when you're a new transplant, even bike 
>>> injuries are exciting).
>>> But, I'm suddenly realizing, I can't go to Baypiggies if I don't get 
>>> a ride. Public transportation doesn't run late enough for the return 
>>> trip. And, it looks like I *won't* be driving for 6-8 weeks.
>>> Does anyone commute from San Francisco or Emeryville? I don't want 
>>> to register unless I know I can make it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Glen Jarvis
>>> Chief Gumby on a bicycle
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: baypiggies-bounces at python.org on behalf of Leslie Hawthorn
>>> Sent: Mon 10/8/2007 6:14 PM
>>> To: Python
>>> Subject: [Baypiggies] Registration & Information for October 11th 
>>> meeting
>>> Hello baypiggies,
>>> Please take a moment to register for this Thursday's meeting by 
>>> adding
>>> yourself to the wiki at 
>>> http://wiki.python.org/moin/BayPiggiesGoogleMeetings
>>> .
>>> Please register no later than close of business on Wednesday, 10/10.
>>> Also, please note that October's meeting has been scheduled for 
>>> Seville Tech
>>> Talk in Building 40.  Please plan to pick up your badge at Building 
>>> 41
>>> reception and security will escort you to Seville Tech Talk in 
>>> Building 40.
>>> Cheers,
>>> LH
>>> --
>>> Leslie Hawthorn
>>> Program Manager - Open Source
>>> Google Inc.
>>> http://code.google.com
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> -- 
> Leslie Hawthorn
> Program Manager - Open Source
> Google Inc.
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