[Baypiggies] Registration & Information for October 11th meeting

Glen Jarvis glen.jarvis at homegain.com
Tue Oct 9 04:26:50 CEST 2007

Hello Baypiggies.

I'd like to take a quick moment to introduce myself before I ask for a ride from San Francisco to the Baypiggies Google meeting.

I am a new-to-california-transplant that has been here just over a month. I was hired to do Python programming. So, I took my first two weeks going through "Learning Python" front to back. I also have been doing extra "homework": In the evenings, I'd watch a new Monte Python Flying Circus through Netflix, and then send off the DVD to keep the cycle going. I'm almost through the series ;)

I've also since written two applications (although small) with Python. I've not yet gone through "System Programming with Python." (I don't have either book in front of me and could have been mistaken on exact title names). 

I couldn't go to the first Bay Piggies meeting because I had guests in town and was just settling in myself. I was really *really* looking forward to going. 

This morning, while bicycling to work, I decided to be stupid and try to jump a curb at 35ish mph (or however fast traffic was). Worse, I didn't actually "jump" and my angle to the curb was about 25 degrees. Can you say "Gumby." Needless to say, my left shoulder blade is "deformed" (bones aren't in their normal place). 

All of this, including the morning in ER, was fun - my first injury in California =) (Hey, when you're a new transplant, even bike injuries are exciting).

But, I'm suddenly realizing, I can't go to Baypiggies if I don't get a ride. Public transportation doesn't run late enough for the return trip. And, it looks like I *won't* be driving for 6-8 weeks.

Does anyone commute from San Francisco or Emeryville? I don't want to register unless I know I can make it.


Glen Jarvis
Chief Gumby on a bicycle

-----Original Message-----
From: baypiggies-bounces at python.org on behalf of Leslie Hawthorn
Sent: Mon 10/8/2007 6:14 PM
To: Python
Subject: [Baypiggies] Registration & Information for October 11th meeting
Hello baypiggies,

Please take a moment to register for this Thursday's meeting by adding
yourself to the wiki at http://wiki.python.org/moin/BayPiggiesGoogleMeetings

Please register no later than close of business on Wednesday, 10/10.

Also, please note that October's meeting has been scheduled for Seville Tech
Talk in Building 40.  Please plan to pick up your badge at Building 41
reception and security will escort you to Seville Tech Talk in Building 40.


Leslie Hawthorn
Program Manager - Open Source
Google Inc.


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