[Baypiggies] Python projects to contribute to

Mikeal Rogers mikeal at osafoundation.org
Sat Mar 3 19:53:04 CET 2007

> On 3/3/07, bibha <tbibha at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Anyone knows about a good place to look for opensource/freelance
>> projects I could contribute to?
>> I have done some Windows automation in Python and created some sys  
>> tools
>> using the language - moving from an intermediate to advanced level.
> Scratch your own itch ;)

I can't agree more. You'll never be more into a project than one that  
you created because you needed it and nobody else has written it yet.

Pick something hard that you don't know how to do yet, it's easy to  
learn new things in python :)

But if you're set on working on someone else's propject a lot of the  
bigger projects are getting ready for google summer of code, and  
writing up long lists of new features for people to dig in to. Only a  
fraction of the features will get picked up by SoC and that will  
leave a list of tasks for enterprising open source developers to grab  
up and work on in their free time.

Our list in progress is here if you're interested http:// 

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